Her kan du se alle observationer og resultater fra Atlas III, Danmarks tredje fugleatlas.
Atlas III's formål er at levere opdateret dokumentation for den aktuelle udbredelse af alle ynglende fuglearter i Danmark, samt beregne tætheder for de mest almindelige fuglearter i ynglesæsonen og om vinteren. Resultater kan sammenholdes med arternes udbredelse i 1970'erne og 1990'erne.
Under Atlas III foregik der tre typer af feltundersøgelser, alle i perioden den 1. marts 2014 - 28. februar 2018. Du kan læse mere om Atlas III og feltundersøgelserne i bogen Fugleatlas – de danske ynglefugles udbredelse, udgivet i 2020.
Atlas III er støttet af Aage V. Jensen Naturfond.
The aim of Atlas III is to deliver updated documentation of the actual distribution of all breeding bird species in Denmark and to provide population estimates for the most common species in the breeding season and in winter.
The project also demonstrates changes in species distributions since the 1970s and 1990s, when similar atlas projects were conducted.
During Atlas III, three types of field investigations were carried out, all from March 1st 2014 to February 28th 2018.
Find the Atlas III results and compare them with the earlier results by entering the scientific name of the species here.
Atlas III is financed by Aage V. Jensen Nature Foundation.